The 360 Project New Module Orientation: Becoming a leader


Considering becoming a leader of the two new 360 Project modules, BIBLE360 Introduction to the Prophets and FAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways? That role is available to clergy in the Anglican Church Southern Queensland diocese and suitable lay people appointed by them.

The first step in that process is to watch the Orientation video here and peruse the materials for each module which are available for download through the links below the video.  If you want to pursue the idea after that, contact Lay Education officer Jonathan Sargeant in the usual way!

The resources referred to in the orientation video can be found below...

Resources - Faith 360: Praying in Anglican Ways

Click the image to be taken to the resources page for this module...

Click the image to be taken to the resources page for this module...

Here are some of the extra handouts used in the FAITH360: Praying..." seminar.

Being an Anglican Christian   

Creating a personal rule of life exemplar    

Spirituality Wheel questionnaire   

Resources - BIBLE360: Introduction to the Prophets

Click the image to be taken to the Resources page for this module...

Click the image to be taken to the Resources page for this module...