The Eucharist Explained

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The Eucharist Explained booklet is a resource designed to give the reader a more fully realised understanding of just what is going on as we share in the Eucharist together. 

Developed by a team of priests, educators and theologians the text provides explanatory notes for almost every segment of a typical Eucharist celebrated from A Prayer Book for Australia.  The 24 page booklet is laid out so that it can be used in worship, study or just for a casual browse to locate info about a particular prayer or practice.

Written at first as a part of the Anglican ethos program, Formative Anglican Induction for School Staff (FAISS), the booklet has now been used in professional development with hundreds of Anglicare senior managers, thousands of teachers and administration staff and across many parishes in the diocese too.

A $5 dollar donation (plus some postage, probably) will secure you one of these booklets available in both digital and physical form.  But imagine ordering multiple copies for a study group or to give your whole congregation!

For info about how you can order them, contact Director of Lay Education, Jonathan Sargeant to discuss postage issues.